After reading how many people live off antidepressants worldwide, including in sunny countries like Portugal, it made me upset and even angry at the current health system. If you go to your family doctor, it is easier and more cost-efficient from the perspective of the health insurance system to prescribe drugs that will make you addicted for life than offer long-term treatments such as therapy, so beware, that if you mention anxiety or mood swings, they might offer antidepressant drugs straight away.
There are a lot of alternatives to drugs but it requires a good knowledge of yourself to understand what might work for you.
So, when you might need drugs?
1. When you have a genetic disease such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder that is in a stage where you cannot control your behaviours.
2. When you are suffering from insomnia for over 6 months.
3. You have been feeling constantly depressed for over 6 months with no specific reason to feel this way.
Heartbreak, the death of a loved one, and stress at work or at the university do not count. Feeling sad and reacting to things that happen negatively in life is completely fine and doesn’t make you permanently depressed. Suppressing negative feelings is actually more likely to make you depressed. Therapeutic sessions, meditation, and change in lifestyle are usually enough to help you get through.
P.S. Some people are just generally more neurotic and prone to mood swings but it does not mean they all need medication.
The most important thought to have in mind: “Sad moments don’t last forever, therefore, the negative feelings will pass without antidepressants.”